August 15, 2004

  • …dependent…

    I’m sick. I’ve lost my voice, and it sucks. I felt it coming on a couple of days ago; there was an itchiness in the back of my throat and I knew something was coming on, but I had hoped for the best and that I wouldn’t lose my voice–that was useless. My voice gave out last night and I went to work today and lasted all of maybe 2 hours, then got sent home because I was of no help to them without my voice. There have been many times when laryngitis has gotten to me, but I was always fortunate enough to suffer the worst on my days off, but I wasn’t as fortunate this time, and was forced home as a result. I don’t feel sick or anything, I just can’t talk, and in my line of work, without my voice, I’m useless…

    On a brighter note, the Olympics have started and I’m totally excited! I don’t know what it is, but the Olympics always puts me in a state of awe. It’s always a celebration, whether the person/team I’m rooting for wins or loses. For 16 days, the world is at a standstill, cheering on their athletes, regardless of their race, sexuality, or gender. It’s how the world should be, but unfortunately isn’t. Regardless, we get a taste of what it’s like to really live as a global community. One can only hope though, that this rare treat will cease to be rare in the very near future. There is only one race that truly matters, and that is the human one…

    I was watching the men’s gymnastics competition tonight, and let me just say that Blaine Wilson is still freakin’ hott!! OMG, that judge totally screwed over the US team, but they were still able to maintain their composure and do well. I seriously think that Blaine handled the situation very nicely and politely, but it sucks that he’s totally out of the picture for the all-around title now. Alexei Nemov didn’t look too good though, the past 4 years have really done a job on him and he doesn’t look his age, or maybe he does–not a good thing. I found myself pretty divided when it came to cheering on certain teams though. Yes, I’m an American, but I’m also Chinese, and I couldn’t help but cheer on my roots. Ah the Olympics, only during a time as this can one truly feel overwhelming pride for one’s country and country of origin at the same time!

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