October 21, 2008

  • …h8te…

    The Yes on 8 people are getting more and more irritating as we get closer to election day. They continue to propagate lie after lie, with no real justification for their hate and discrimination other than the fact that “…the Bible said so.” I’m sorry, but that just doesn’t fly with me. No book, no person, and certainly no law is going to tell me whom I’m going to love and whom I can marry.

    Almost every one of their arguments is obscenely flawed and discriminatory in nature. The sanctity of marriage? Really?! Such a thing exists? Well, anything that was sanctimonious about marriage was either destroyed when people got divorced, and/or when spouses abused each other. Come on, you’re going to allow Britney Spears to marry and divorce any douche-bag she wants, but you can’t extend the same privilege to civilized and law-abiding people of the same sex? Explain to me how that’s fair without bringing God into it. Seriously, what is so wrong about PEOPLE of the same sex marrying each other? We’re talking about HUMANITY here folks! Queer people are not animals who can be paraded around as pets, used for entertainment, and then discarded and dismissed the moment they begin to realize that they’re humans as well. In case you’ve forgotten, this kind of discrimination eerily parallels anti-miscegenation laws that were ultimately ruled unconstitutional in 1967 in Loving v. Virginia. Again, I beg the question that if PEOPLE are at the heart of this controversy, why is this an issue?!

    Moreover, I’ve recently been hearing children being used as a justification for these acts of cowardice and insecurity. Really people, can we start acting our ages and not our shoe sizes, please?! The fact that your kid OVERHEARD that gay people are marrying one another does not mean that the curriculum is changing, nor is it an excuse to ban gay marriages in general. Think of it this way: you’ll allow them to play Grand Theft Auto where the goal of the game is to steal, shoot, and kill, yet you forbid them to hear about instances of love and commitment? Hmm, are you sure you’re really fit to be a parent?! Is your goal as a parent really to teach hate and division?

    My last gripe is their argument about preserving “traditional” families. Who the fuck cares?! Seriously, is there a law/formula out there that stipulates that only when you have a man and a woman as parents can you have a functional family? As far as I’m aware, unless you’re Ward and June Cleaver, this concept of a traditional family is complete and utter bullshit. The sole argument behind “preserving” a “traditional” family is that it would be a more loving and conducive environment for the child to grow up in. Is it really?! Are gay people not capable of loving their kids? Are they not capable of being good parents? What exactly is the missing gene or the physical impairment that makes them incapable of providing either?

    I’m not going to get into an argument on theology. You can quote Bible verse after Bible verse, but the fact of the matter is this: it isn’t about religion, it’s about equality. For those of you who aren’t aware of it yet, equality isn’t just about being blind to race or gender, it also applies to sexuality and love. To put it simply, no one likes to be told what to do, who to date, who to love, and who to marry, so why all the hypocrisy just because some people are insecure with their own sexualities. If you’re that insecure and fearful of gays and their recognition as human beings (gasp), then why not just move to Iran.

    Vote NO on Prop 8!!!

Comments (3)

  • I mailed in my ballot already! NO on Prop.8!!

  • That was a brilliantly written post. I especially like your comparisons (Britney Spears/GTA) which shows how the arguments against gay people are just so ridiculous!! In a country where freedom is supposed to be the basis it’s really sad that you are still fighting for these rights. Hope it ends up in a NO vote!!

  • I agree! Grr! I voted last week! :)

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